Does Ozone Therapy for athletic performance actually work? As with all discussion of ozone, this is a topic of controversy, even though there are 1,000’s of research articles that discuss ozone therapy benefits and safety. Throughout the world there are doctors, exercise enthusiasts, and professional athletes who have seen and experienced great benefits.Athletes, in particular, can benefit Continue Reading about Ozone and Athletic Performance
Dr. Nael Dagstani
Bio-identical Hormones and their Differences
Oral Pills: Orally delivered hormones (pills) will pass through the liver prior to entering the bloodstream. This is called “first pass” metabolism. This has been shown to increase the risk of blood clotting and increased risk of heart attack and stroke, even if the hormone is bio-identical. In addition, when the liver metabolizes hormones it increases a protein called SHBG (sex hormone Continue Reading about Bio-identical Hormones and their Differences
Pain Management and Prolotherapy Treatments
Prolotherapy is known by many different names – Tendon Reconstruction, Proliferative Therapy, Regenerative Joint Injection and Non-Surgical Ligament. Prolotherapy is a widely utilized and recognized orthopedic procedure that athletes and others are reaping the benefits. Prolotherapy stimulates your body’s own healing processes to strengthen, repair damaged and painful joints and connective tissue. Continue Reading about Pain Management and Prolotherapy Treatments
What types of conditions respond to Naturopathic Medicine?
Most patient’s health can be improved with this approach. The ultimate outcome is dependent upon the patient’s ability to comply with the doctor’s recommendations, the progression of the disease and other factors that affect the disease state (“obstacles to cure”). Starting early and preventing an illness is much easier than treating an established full-blown illness. Benjamin Franklin said so Continue Reading about What types of conditions respond to Naturopathic Medicine?
How do I know if IV Nutrient Therapy is Right for Me?
Is IV Nutrient Therapy (IVNT) right for you? Here are some common indications and uses for Intravenous Nutrients:Prevent Illness – Amino acids, vitamins and minerals are required to maintain healthy organs, bones, muscles and nerves and to produce hormones and chemicals that are necessary for the maintenance of health.Healthy Aging – Directly impacts aging by limiting DNA, cell damage, and Continue Reading about How do I know if IV Nutrient Therapy is Right for Me?
Emotions were raw and tears would fall.
Previously I’ve used creams (messy and always guessing where I rubbed it last) and patches (would rub off from clothes/beds) – but even then, my emotions were raw and tears would fall…..until receiving bio-identical pellets. The difference was unbelievable! - Kathy B.For additional information or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Dagstani, please call us directly at 480.861.3916. We look forward Continue Reading about Emotions were raw and tears would fall.
I feel like living again.
I am very grateful to have found Dr. Dagstani’s expertise with Female Hormones. Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy is very new to me; however these last 5 months with the pellets have saved my life. My husband of over 40 years passed away recently and my depression was awful. Now that my thyroid, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone are at levels in my youth I feel like living again. I have Continue Reading about I feel like living again.
Hormone pellets are a life saver!
Hormone pellets are a life saver! Before getting pellets, I suffered from fatigue, lack of mental focus, and poor muscle tone (no matter how hard I worked out at the gym, I was still flabby!). Within a few weeks of getting my first pellets, all of my symptoms dissipated. No longer do I struggle to make it through the day with eight hours of sleep; now I feel energetic with only six to seven hours Continue Reading about Hormone pellets are a life saver!